Info Center:

Greetings internet traveler, welcome to my branch in the magic glen.
Behold the tiny shop, hence my tiny quick help desk!
This is my artist run Pop Up shop.
I keep a few items in it year round and do Pop Ups for Pre-orders!
Sign up with my news letter for pre-order notifications of upcoming limited prints.
link is in the MTG/Print section.
I take commissions write me for availablity and for a price quote.
I take ones that are rather personal to people, Ive done many memorial pieces (both of loved ones, loved pets, and beloved events). I take: Animal Drawings, Pet cosplay portraits, People as animals, Pet Portraits, will consider I.P. I have painted before. See link below for details and examples.
If you're looking for MTG Tokens:
They are sold by the OMA store, link at the bottom.
They have a print of the Twilight Sparkle card in various sizes.
Also, they ship internationally! So if you want some of my art on cards or a print of Twilight That is a great way to go.
If you want signatures on the prints, you will need to buy directly from me.
I hope you have a beautiful day!
(For the Curious: the 2 cents price is listed cause it wouldnt let me list this other wise, my 2 cents...ha =)